Single Particle Model

In this model, a one-dimensional heat transfer model coupled with a kinetic model is used to predict the overall mass loss of a single wood particle. This single-particle model can be used for either drying, torrefaction, pyrolysis or combustion processes. The kinetic parameters should be determined experimentally. The developed model was validated with experimental pyrolysis data obtained in a thin layer pyrolyzer. The application of the developed model is published in the following journal article.

Rezaei H, Sokhansanj S, Bi X, Lim CJ, Lau AK. A numerical and experimental study on fast pyrolysis of single woody biomass particles, Applied Energy. (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.11.032.



Effect of temperature on pyrolysis mass loss and conversion time of ground chip particles (particle size=1 mm, gas temperature=300-550 °C).


Effect of particle size on conversion time – the analysis to identify the optimum particle size for pyrolytic conversion.