BBRG members attended CERC and BPI events
On the 2nd week of December 2022, Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) and BioProduct Institute (BPI) held their respective member events. Biomass and Bioenergy Research Group (BRBG) is proud to be a member of both distinguished research institutions.
CERC held its members’ event on Thursday, December 8 where BBRG members (Mohammad, Kanages, Jun Sian, and Dr. Hassan Najafi, pictured below) presented their posters. The event started with a CERC Updates presentation by Dr. Tony Bi who described the global challenge of climate change and the roles of over 200 CERC researchers in solving this challenge. Then, respective Theme Leaders presented the accomplishments in individual themes, which include Bioenergy Systems & Biorefinery, Electro-and-Photochemical Energy Systems, Urban Energy Systems: Transportation/Buildings, Carbon Capture and Decarbonization of Energy Systems, Data Analytics Optimization and Policy Analyses of Clean Energy Systems.

BPI held its members’ event (BPI Research Day) on Friday, December 9. The event started with an introduction by Dr. James Olson, the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science, and Dr. Orlando Rojas, the scientific director of BPI. Then BPI Research Theme Leads presented accomplishments and summaries of researchers in each theme. The poster presentation was divided into four groups: Group A: Bio, Enzymes, & Small Molecules, Group B: Wood Biopolymers, Cellulose, Lignin, & Lignin/Carbon (Nano)Materials, Group C: Bioproduct Development, and Group D: Conversion, Processing, Energy, & Biorefineries. Members of BBRG presented their posters in Group D. Dr. Shahab Sokhansanj, the PI of BBRG, volunteered to be the judge of the poster competition for a different group. Keynote presentations were given by Gustavo Oliveira (Ministry of Forests), Bill Adams (Mercer International), and Gurminder Minhas (Performance BioFilaments).